News and Thoughts

The Web Project Guide on Optimizely's Content Intel

November 02, 2021

Content Intel: Season 1, Episode 3 — The Web Project Guide, with speakers Deane Barker and Corey Vilhauer

It's podcast season!

Deane and Corey joined Laura Dolan and Optimizely for the most recent episode of Content Intel, Optimizely's podcast on content experimentation. They talked about, naturally, The Web Project Guide, and more specifically on the process for writing a book.

From the transcript:

Laura Dolan:

That's good to know. It'll come in handy for that, if nothing else. It's crazy when you do get into projects like this, and it's amazing when you factor in muscle memory, and then you start to write something down, you realize, wait, there are way more steps to this than I thought. And was it something like that where you realized there are just way more steps involved than you imagined?

Corey Vilhauer:

I'll say this, it's funny when you talk about muscle memory and how we, as the people who are writing this have been through projects like this before. And so even though we do this all the time, we still forget all the different things. And we're trying to capture all the different edge cases and trying to make sure that we're touching on all, somebody might have encountered when they come through a project, but in doing that it also helped identify one of the really key parts of why the book is really important. And Deane and I know these things really well, and we still struggle to piece them together. Deane's the technical person, I'm the person who works with the clients at the start. There's a language barrier just between the two of us.

The full episode is available wherever podcasts are found (Apple, Spotify), and a full transcript is also available on Optimizely's site.